Welcome to

Sandiacre Court Care Centre

Sandiacre Court Care Centre is a purpose-built care home situated on the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire border, just a few minutes away from Junction 25 of the M1. We offer Residential, Dementia and Nursing Care at the home.

Our Ethos

We are committed to providing a caring environment that promotes every person’s independence, privacy, dignity, freedom of choice, rights, and personal fulfilment.

Our staff will work closely with you to develop a personal care plan that outlines the personal needs and preferences of every resident.

Our staff are on hand 24 hours a day and have strong experience to draw on. Sandiacre Court also prides itself in providing on-going training for all staff, to keep up to date with new care methods and innovations.

If you or your loved one comes to live here with us at Sandiacre Court, you and your family will always receive a quality service from everyone that works within the home.

We actively encourage family, friends, and contacts to support and visit on a regular basis.

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About the Property

Our home has 81 beds over three floors comprising residential, respite, and dementia care.

The building and gardens are easily accessible in all areas, allowing plenty of options for residents to find company or a quiet corner depending on their wishes.

We all welcome you, your family and friends to the care centre and we hope that you settle well into your new home.

Get In Touch


Each of our Homes are specifically designed for our residents that live with us.  With full en-suites in each of our Homes we ensure that personal care is kept personal.  We have a team of staff ensuring that our facilities are kept clean and maintained daily.

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Care Packages

Convalescent Stay
Emergency Placements
Post-Operative Stay
Long Term Stay
Short Term / Respite Stay
Separate Specialist Dementia Care Unit

Sandiacre Court Care Centre


Assisted Bathrooms
Call Bells
Dining Rooms
En-suite Rooms
Hair Salon
Laundry Service
Meals in Room
Outdoor Area
Patio Rooms
Protected Mealtimes
Public Transport
Purpose Built
Quiet Lounge
Resident Choice Menu
TV Point
Single Rooms
Wheelchair Access
Wet Rooms
Wellbeing Activties
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Specialist Care Services we assist with

Alcohol Dependence
Asperger Syndrome
Bipolar / Manic Depression
Cancer Care
Cerebral Palsy
Colitis & Crohn's Disease
Head / Brain Injury
Hearing Impairment & Deafness
Huntington's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Parkinson's Disease
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Speech Impairment
Spina Bifida
Visual Impairment
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Care Categories

Residential Dementia
Mental Health
Palliative Care
Older People
Nursing Dementia

Live with us

If you are looking for a caring environment in Nottingham  that promotes, independence, privacy, dignity, freedom of choice, and personal fulfilment, please get in touch!

Life at 

Sandiacre Court Care Centre


Debra Mclean-Bentley

Meet the Manager

Debra has joined Sandiacre Court with a wealth of industry knowledge, having spent over 20 years managing care homes throughout the East Midlands.

Passionate about personalised care and the well-being of all our residents within the home, her door will always be open for any discussion with any relative, resident or member of staff.

Activities are a key part of most that we do within Sandiacre Court and Debra is keen to reach out to ensure that the Home is in the heart of the community.

Working at 

Sandiacre Court Care Centre

If you are looking for a new and exciting opportunity in Nottingham and are committed to and passionate about the provision of the highest quality care, please get in touch!

Work With Us

How to Find us

Phone: 0115 8963940

Sandiacre Court Care Centre,
Derby Road, Sandiacre,
Nottingham, NG10 5GT

Get Directions

Latest News

Grabbing the rays… Our residents made sure that they grabbed the weather this afternoon at Sandiacre Court and enjoyed the gardens. #gardenlife #sunshine
September 2024
See Facebook Post
Bingo and VR It always goes down a treat in our activities lounge, especially when we get some tasty treats for the winners. Who doesn’t love a game of bingo? After, a couple of our residents used our VR headsets to go for a stroll in Paris… well why not!! #bingo #vr
September 2024
See Facebook Post
Well they won’t water themselves 🚿 That’s what our residents have been saying and we do t really need a reason to get outside if we can at Sandiacre Court. #Gardening #outside
September 2024
See Facebook Post
Employees of the month Huge congratulations to Tracey and Sharon who are Sandiacre Courts employees of the month.
September 2024
See Facebook Post
Fun in the Sandiacre sun… Our residents had a great sun soak yesterday in our gardens, so much so that a couple bottles of bubbly and beer made an appearance 🥂 🍻
Owl visit Our residents at Sandiacre Court had some special flying visitors this afternoon.
Happy birthday Tony Yesterday staff and residents, along with family members wished Tony a happy 90th birthday. Happy cake day Tony 🎉🥳🎂
Day out at Matlock Bath Some of our residents, relatives and staff took off today to Matlock Bath. Everyone enjoyed the sun, strolling, and fun. As well as a chippy tea and an ice cream or two.
Creative garden fun Some of residents yesterday created and upscale some of our garden pots and pebbles to make the garden a more colourful place.
#BananaSplitDay Yesterday was Mational Banana Split Day, so we celebrated with our residents in the dining rooms and cafe with some delicious desserts
Flower arranging Our residents this afternoon had some time flower arranging. Just look at the smiles
Meeting new residents and VR Yesterday, Pam was about in the morning meeting residents and keeping them informed of everything at the home. Pam is one of our residents buddies that ensures that all residents are welcomed and informed in the home. This afternoon, some residents were taken to wonderful places around the World with our VR headsets. Great tech for great residents.
#ThursdayThoughts Laugh at the challenges, smile through the chaos and convince Thursday that it's not just a day of the week. It's a day for some midweek mischief From Mandy (Who joins us at Sandiacre Court for Day Care twice a week)
Matching socks Here at Sandiacre Court, we like to sometimes challenge our residents with some of our activities. Matching socks is perfect for this, although the game sounds easy at first, it combines both hand/eye coordination with dexterity and is perfect for reminiscing about when residents probably did this at home, sparking conversations
Weekly quiz and garden drinks The residents at Sandiacre Court were challenged earlier today with our weekly quiz. In the afternoon we celebrated with drinks in the garden sunshine ☀️
Afternoon activities It might look to all that we were having a fun game of hands up 🙌, however, we had a spelling test with our residents.
It’s quiz night (well afternoon) Although there were 4 residents with 10/10 correct answers, it had to go to a tie, so the residents were asked the same question and Jane was the only resident that got it right. She was so pleased to win as she said "I don't believe it, I never win anything" Well you have now Jane. Many congratulations 🙌
#WednesdayWisdom Welcome to Our New Receptionist Sandy. When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.
Sunshine and shade Our new residents were welcomed this afternoon by our residents buddy Pam. All new residents are welcomed at the home, with a chance for our ‘buddies’ to ‘show them the ropes’ at Sandiacre Court. Everyone also enjoyed some sunshine and shade in the courtyard and gardens as well
Fairy gardens and fairies Some of our residents made some fairy gardens whilst others coloured in some fairies
On the radio!! Recently our resident Ken, took time out of his day to speak with Erewash Sounds, Emma, about him living at Sandiacre Court, keeping his independence, being on University Challenge and looking forward to the future. Take a listen:
Review We love being loved (doesn't everyone!) and a way that some of our relatives tell us is through online reviews on carehome.co.uk. Its great to know that our teams' hard daily work with your loved ones doesn't go unnoticed. #reviews #thankyou
#WednesdayWisdom Angela, our care assistant says: Today will be amazing so wake up and smile. Positivity is a choice that becomes a lifestyle
Fairy garden 🪴 Our residents at Sandiacre Court have been making their own fairy garden this afternoon
Everyone’s a winner at animal bingo 🦒
#WednesdayWisdom Wisdom from Ethel this Wednesday: Life is about making an impact, changing things, and leaving things better than you found them
Visit to Royal Derby Hospital Maternity Ward Our Home Manager, Debra along with Lyn and Tracy visited the Maternity Unit at Royal Derby Hospital earlier today to drop off hats, gloves and slippers that have been knitted by our residents at Sandiacre Court Care Centre. All our residents got involved for this initiative.
It’s officially warm… Our residents enjoyed the sun this morning whilst helping out watering the plants. However, most of them enjoyed a sit out in the sun and ice lolly the most!!!
It’s either a pamper day or Tommy Cooper impression day!! Some residents enjoyed their pampering this morning nails, hand massage, facial treatment and hair styling
Arts and crafts Our residents are supporting the 2024 Olympics by making sports cards in activities this morning
50’s and 60’s music in the garden 🎶 Our residents got their sunglasses out earlier today to enjoy the outside sunshine whilst listening to their favourite tracks from the 50’s and 60’s
Afternoon fun… Loads going off today at Sandiacre Court. Here’s a few of the things we’ve been up to!
Card making Marine life card making with music 🎶. Our Arts and Crafts group made cards this morning. Happy faces all around
#WednesdayWisdom Introducing Sarah, Reception Relief today, her words of wisdom are: To acquire one must study. But to aquire wisdom one must observe.
Outdoors and family time It’s great having lots of places within the centre to go to visit. Whether it’s outside on the gardens or courtyard, visiting your loved one in their room or making use of the common areas around the home. Relatives and friends are always welcome 🤗
Helping in the garden Residents at Sandiacre Court were helping out with some gardening this afternoon. Also making sure that the bird feeders were full
Summer show Our residents at Sandiacre Court have had a morning of entertainment, laughter and cabaret. Everyone seemed to have fun and joined in with the festivities 🥳
Trip to White Post Farm Yesterday some of our residents made the trip to White Post Farm. Everyone truly enjoyed the experience. Happy smiley residents 😃
Crochet lessons!!! Even our staff learn something everyday whilst working at Sandiacre Court. Pam, one of our resident buddy’s, has been teaching our staff how to crochet for our Forget Me Knots Dementia Friends badges
Hudson breakfast It’s that time of the month again, we’re all our residents come together and enjoy a Canadian breakfast 🇨🇦
#WednesdayWisdom Our lovely night nurse Mamakeka at Sandiacre Court shared plenty of wisdom this Wednesday (I’m sure that we could make a song 🎶 about it) Worry less Smile more. Listen carefully Take responsibility Accept what you can't change. Embrace the lessons. Love Your Life
It’s official Ken, has become our 2nd resident buddy at Sandiacre Court. He will assist and work with Pam (our 1st ever resident buddy) to welcome new arrivals into the home and help them settle. Ken has lived at the home for the past 6 months and really enjoys everything he does here. Thanks Ken
England ready 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Our residents are preparing themselves for tonight’s final against Spain. Come on England
Arts and crafts This morning we’ve been making some cards in our arts and crafts sessions. Our residents loved putting their own style on the cards
A little card of kindness Our team at Sandiacre received this card today from a relative of a resident who came to our Dog Show 🐕. Not only were there kind words about making their loved one smile, but also a donation to the home, as they had such an enjoyable time. Moments like these are cherished by the whole team at the home. Thank you for brightening our day 🙏
Afternoon games Residents love variety in their lives and we provide that as much as possible at Sandiacre Court. From arts and crafts to table football, chair-robics to gardening, VR to our knot and natter group, there is something for everyone at the Home
#WednesdayWisdom Words from Tracy our Head Housekeeper at Sandiacre Court: A little progress each day adds up to big results
Quiz time!!! Our residents at Sandiacre Court enjoyed a good old pub quiz this afternoon. Several topics were in the quiz and a lot of scratching of heads was needed to work out the answers. Nothing better to get that grey matter working.
T cup seed planting This morning at Sandiacre Court, our residents enjoyed some planting in T-cups.
Rag wreaths As a change in our Tuesday Arts and Crafts at Sandiacre Court, we made some rag wreaths from old cloth. Some of our residents didn’t take it as seriously as others (no names mentioned!)
Sandiacre Court Dog Show 🐕 Today has been our annual Dog Show at the Home. We had lots of 4 legged friends come and see us and show how well behaved they are.
#WednesdayWisdom Introducing Andy, our Maintenance Manager at Sandiacre Court Care Centre. His wisdom this Wednesday is: “Prior planning and preparation prevents poor performance”
Smiling residents It’s great when all our residents join in with fun activities at the Home. It doesn’t matter sometimes what we have to do to get a smile, just getting one is worth the effort. Our staff go above and beyond to make residents lives and Sandiacre Court a happy and vibrant place to live.
A bit of fun in the sun ☀️ Cocktails in hand, Hawaiian sunglasses and flowers on, Cliff Richard music playing (???), sun shining, sun tan lotion on, and hats not to enjoy about our court yard at Sandiacre Court?
Sock pairing It may sound like a strange game to some, but pairing socks keeps the brain working and the hands dexterous. Our residents love a good challenge, so a game was created to see how many they could do in 1 minute. We also had a challenge set to Lyn for table football. Have a guess who won?
That’s entertainment Our residents love a song-a-long with some classic tunes 🎶 and that’s what we had here yesterday at Sandiacre Court Cracking music 🎵
In the sunshine It’s been great weather the last couple of days at Sandiacre Court, so we took the opportunity to make sure all the residents topped up their vitamin D
Resident Buddy Our resident buddy Pam introduced herself to new resident Roger. Pam said if you need anything do not hesitate to ask
Cake making Our residents at Sandiacre Court were making cakes for everyone to enjoy. Keeping good dexterity and keeping the mind focused on the task. What yummy cakes
Hudson Breakfast Like every month, we celebrate our heritage with a delicious Canadian inspired breakfast. As you can see here at Sandiacre Court all our residents loved it 🥰
#WednesdayWisdom Introducing Diana, one of our Nurse team at Sandiacre Court. Her words of wisdom this Wednesday are: “You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it. It’s a choice.”
In the garden We recognise that a drop of sun improves everyone’s mood, so we try, when we can, to get outside at Sandiacre Court as much as possible. Our residents this morning helped restock some of our bird feeders, watered the gardens and had a sweep up 🧹
Dancing time 🕺 This afternoon the residents at Sandiacre Court were treated to some great tunes from Richie Vee. Everyone has a great time. Just one of the great things that happens daily at our home.
We're putting on a Dog Show!!! Yes, you've heard that correct. Sandiacre Court will be hosting a Dog Show on 6th July from 1.30pm. Are you going to be here??
#WednesdayWisdom Wednesday wisdom comes from Claire at Sandiacre Court, this week: “Take care of yourself, stay refreshed, and stress less.”
Planting up for summer Our residents at Sandiacre Court took some time out this morning to plant up some seeds that have been kindly donated to the home by one of our residents relatives. Thank you for your kind donation
New pine cone bird feeders Some of our residents this afternoon at Sandiacre Court made bird feeders for the gardens. We love the wildlife around the home
Forget me nots Our residents this morning at Sandiacre Court were doing some colouring for our upcoming Dementia Friends Cafe. We all coloured pictures of forget me nots
Animal bingo 🦒 This morning at Sandiacre Court we had a few games of animal bingo. All the residents do get quite competitive during the games.
An afternoon of magic 🪄 Yesterday our residents at Sandiacre Court were treated to some fantastic magic by AGMagicians - Care Home Entertainment Specialists. A great show and enjoyment all round from our residents. See you again soon
Gardening and sun ☀️ Before this afternoon’s turn in the weather our residents have been enjoying the outside at Sandiacre Court, both yesterday and this morning. Everyone loves the sunshine.
On the radio This morning at Sandiacre Court, one of our residents, Ken, has been interviewed by Emma from Erewash Sound and will be on their station in the near future. Ken spoke about his life since joining the home, his past ( appearing on University Challenge) and why he loves living with us. Make sure that you listen in to Erewash Sound for the full interview.
Employee of the Month Our employee of the month for May is Lyn, our well-being activities coordinator. You’ll always see her with a smile and is always looking for the best ways to entertain, educate and support each and every very resident. Well done Lyn 👍
Dementia Cafe There was a lovely mix of residents, staff and new visitors to Sandiacre Courts Dementia Cafe this morning. More events have been planned, so keep a look out
#wednesdaywisdom A little bit of wisdom this Wednesday from our lovely Kenny. Every positive thought is a prayer which will change your life.
VR and Friday thumbs up Our residents at Sandiacre Court have been on VR adventures this afternoon and absolutely loved it. Thumbs up from everyone
Hands up!!! Keeping fit and active is one of the daily things that we try and ask all residents to participate in each and every day at Sandiacre Court. This morning was no exception with a round of chair aerobics
#WednesdayWisdom Introducing Tracey from Sandiacre Courts domestic team. She says: Anyone can say they care. But watch their actions not their words.
In the garden Been a great day out in the garden at Sandiacre Court this afternoon. Residents helped planting flowers and putting trellises together, but mostly enjoyed the sunshine
Outdoors with Ken Our residents love getting outside at Sandiacre Court and this afternoon, Ken was out with our gardener, helping plan for future planting
Card making This morning our residents at Sandiacre Court was putting their creativity to the test in our arts and crafts session, making cards.
Puzzles and music 🎶 Our residents at Sandiacre Court just love music. It takes you away to that happy place like nothing else can. So this afternoon what better than a music quiz to get the grey matter working. Our residents loved it - just check out those smiles 😀
Animal bingo, chair aerobics and move to the beat Yesterday at Sandiacre Court, we had a full day of challenging the mind and getting that body moving. All our residents love a bit of a dance, well some more than others do! 🕺
Cake making 🧁 We’ve been making some delicious chocolate cakes this afternoon at Sandiacre Court. Our residents got stuck in with all the mixing, however I think that some of the preferred eating them to the making
Coming to a care home near you... last night we had the privilege to see Erewash Phoenix Choir (New Facebook Group) in full swing and they were fantastic. We cannot wait to host them at Sandiacre Court Care Centre soon. Keep up the fantastic singing 🎼
#WednesdayWisdom Introducing Hollie, one of our nurses at Sandiacre Court. Her words of wisdom this Wednesday are: “A fool is known by his speech and a wise man by silence” In that case, I best be quiet 🤫
60’s music and Bailey visits Our residents today have not just enjoyed the fantastic weather, but also have had a visit from their 4 legged friend, Bailey and been listening to some classic 60’s music 🎶
Games afternoon This afternoon at Sandiacre Court, we’ve had a resident led games afternoon. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, especially when the chocolate came out.
#WednesdayWisdom Say hello to our lovely Helen at Sandiacre Court. Her words this week are: Wisdom is keeping a sense of fallibility of all our views and opinions.
Shell painting Creativity at Sandiacre Court this afternoon. Our residents painted some shells in their own patterns. Well done everyone, really individual artworks
Resident buddy and outdoors This morning our resident buddy, Pam, took some time out to make sure how our new resident, John, was settling in. After that they both teamed up with some other residents for a bit of tidying up outside in the sunshine ☀️ Them there birds ain’t gonna feed themselves 🦅
Busy day at Sandiacre Court Phew! What a day!!! Arts and crafts this morning making bunting for an upcoming event for all out residents, followed by games of table football (Well done Glynn on your win 🥇) then, more dominoes. Keeping busy as bees 🐝
Day Care Offer! We are pleased to inform you that we are now offering day care packages at Sandiacre Court Care Centre. Please call the team and discuss your need.
Pamper session It’s been an afternoon of Tommy Cooper impressions at Sandiacre Court!!! Only joking, our lovely ladies have had nails painted and a pamper session. Seems they enjoyed it, look at those smiles
New game for the residents It’s a new game of Name that Tune this afternoon for the residents at Sandiacre Court. Everyone has enjoyed themselves and it’s definitely one we’ll be doing in the future. Music brings back the memories 🎶
#WednesdayWisdom Introducing Debra at Sandiacre Court. Her wisdom is “ If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.”
In the garden Well the weather was fantastic this morning at Sandiacre Court, so we made sure that we used it by planting out some of the flowers that we have been growing, as well as sowing some wild seeds to attract the birds and bees 🐝 Keep a watch out for our updates
Time for a refresh We sat down with our residents this afternoon at Sandiacre Court to discuss a new decoration scheme for our Maple floor. Lots of discussion took place and finally a scheme was chosen. Check back in the next couple of weeks, when the work starts
Pampering session Our ladies at Sandiacre Court love a good pampering session session, so out came the mail paint and off we go!! By the looks of the ladies smiles they enjoyed it too.
It’s a full room!!!! Our activities rooms was full this afternoon with lots of residents joining in with some spelling games (to keep the mind active) along with some old style games that our residents love to play. Sandiacre Courts staff are always on hand to provide the best for care in Erewash.